The table below details the various sms delivery statuses that are reported on in your account, as well as what each status means.

DELIVRDRefers to the successful submission of the SMS to the handset. The cellular network reports the status.
UNDELIVRefers to the unsuccessful submission of the SMS to the handset, caused by inactive or unreachable numbers. The cellular network reports the status.
EXPIRED **Refers to no status update being received within the validity period. This is usually caused by the handset being off, the call going to voicemail or being redirected, or the handset being out of network reach.
BLISTSMS delivery to the number is restricted due to a request by the owner or WASPA.
SUBMITDThe SMS has been submitted to the cellular network for delivery. We are waiting for a status update from the cellular network.
STAGEDThe SMS is waiting in the system to be submitted to the cellular network. In most cases this is for SMSes that are scheduled for a future send date.
CANCELLEDThe SMS was scheduled to be sent at a future date and time, but was cancelled by the user before the send date and time were reached.
NOROUTERefers to no route being available for the number.



For retries, the space between retry attempts increments at different intervals.

Example: the first attempt will be once after 1 minute, then second attempt will retry twice for every 5 minutes, after that the third attempt will retry six times for every consecutive 30 minutes and lastly will retry after the following 12 hours.

If the subscriber becomes available within the retry process, the message will be delivered.

If the subscriber remains unavailable, the retry process will continue until it completes the cycle, and will result in the message(s) expiring.